Sustainable water supply for towns in Darfur The Darfur Urban Water Supply Project has helped improve the availability of clean water for over 240,000 people in four state capitals in western Sudan.
Japan provides support to Iraq’s newly liberated areas With $6.3 million in funding from the Government of Japan, UNOPS will implement two projects aimed at enhancing the living conditions and safety of the…
Putting gender at the core of our work – a commitment The Paris Gender Equality Forum – the largest event on gender since the Beijing Conference on Women in 1995, kicked off today. UNOPS has committed to…
Artificial intelligence can help achieve the SDGs Speech by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the Second Annual Digital Workforce Summit, New York, 7 June 2018
Don't wait for the next pandemic to fix public procurement COVID-19 has shown the importance of public procurement. Here's why transparency in public procurement is vital – and how to encourage it.
Heavy rainfall no longer spells disaster The monsoon season brings torrential rainfall to Mannar Island, in north-west Sri Lanka. This meant bad news for over 30,000 people who live there. Not…
UNOPS participating in health infrastructure conference in Brazil The conference provides professionals, researchers and students with the opportunity to exchange information and experiences on themes like health…
Sweden contributes $43 million to UNOPS-managed Access to Health Fund… Although healthcare has improved in Myanmar in recent years, the most vulnerable people still lack basic maternity and child healthcare, as well as…
Statement by Grete Faremo to the UNOPS Executive Board Under-Secretary-General Faremo delivers statement at the Annual Session of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board in New York.
Fostering health system resilience in fragile and conflict-affected… At the 2023 World Health Summit, government officials, leaders of international organizations and experts came together for a timely discussion on how to…