Japan renews support to Jordan by improving vocational training… The Government of Japan announced a new assistance package from its supplementary budget of 2017 to assist the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Supporting greater access to maternal, newborn and child healthcare… A new project will strengthen healthcare for underserved communities in Myanmar’s Shan State, with funding from Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited.
A new future for rural Myanmar Agriculture offers great opportunities to drive development and raise living standards for millions of people in rural Myanmar.
Supporting quality healthcare services in Sudan UNOPS and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) will work to improve access to high-quality healthcare, especially for patients with…
Japan provides $8.77 million to improve agricultural production in… A signing ceremony in Kabul on 27 February marked the start of a new project that will improve access to markets, and establish better facilities for…
Providing faster humanitarian relief A new Humanitarian Hub in Panama will help provide lifesaving support to vulnerable communities in emergency situations throughout the region.
Tackling the climate crisis: What role for infrastructure? (Glasgow,… Without climate-resilient infrastructure, communities around the world are exposed and vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This jeopardizes the…
From Japan to Poland – in support of Ukraine UNOPS is partnering with the government of Japan to bring relief supplies to vulnerable people in Ukraine.
Japan provides $3.5 million in support to the Kurdistan Regional… The Government of Japan has announced two new projects to support the response to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Iraq.
Beyond the grid: Powering communities across Yemen Renewable energy solutions are providing a more reliable source of electricity for millions of people in Yemen – and improving their access to essential…