Accountability UNOPS is committed to operating in a transparent and accountable manner to build trust between the organization and our Member States, partners and the…
Destroying Syria's Chemical Weapons How UNOPS made destroying Syria’s high-grade chemical weapons, in record time, a reality.
Healthcare closer to home Some 200 kilometres south-east of Yangon, a new healthcare centre is serving the township of Thaton in Mon state, Myanmar – home to around 275,000…
Building a world that leaves no one behind Inclusive infrastructure is vital for sustainable development. Here’s why.
Opportunities for education Access to a high-quality education isn’t always a given – for many students, opportunities to further their education are limited. But not for these…
Fishing for prosperity The Nilwella harbour sits along the southern coast of Sri Lanka. More than 2,000 families make their living here from fishing activities.
Health matters: Tackling maternal mortality in Kenya Access to health is a basic right, one that is central to a life of dignity. Yet social and economic inequities exclude too many people from enjoying good…
Eight places where UNOPS is working to improve health To mark World Health Day 2015, we take a look at some of the valuable health-related projects that UNOPS has recently been engaged in as part of its core…
Dreams for the future About 65 students from six Eastern Partnership countries study, relax and work together in Tbilisi, Georgia – and dream of having an impact on the world.
The journey to equality can start with a safe and reliable bus service To ensure inclusive and equitable education as well as decent work for all, we must remove the barriers that keep women and girls – half the world’s…