Infrastructure for peacebuilding, a UNOPS report The publication explores how infrastructure is key to supporting peacebuilding efforts and fostering inclusive, sustainable and resilient development in…
Our infrastructure decisions now define our future climate Climate change is already impacting communities in every country, across every continent, from rising sea levels and extreme weather events, to disrupted…
An unprecedented fourth: UNOPS again receives top-level award for… For the fourth year in a row, UNOPS has received gold level distinction from the world's leading procurement and supply professional body, remaining the…
Increasing access to safe water for urban areas in Africa As the population of cities and urban areas in Africa is set to explode in the coming decades, how can we ensure an adequate supply of water for city…
Government of Japan extends additional support to Syrian refugees in… UNOPS helps its partners provide peace and security, humanitarian and development solutions. Explore how UNOPS contributes to a more sustainable world.
New ‘Green Jobs Platform’ set to fight youth unemployment and grow… UNOPS helps its partners provide peace and security, humanitarian and development solutions. Explore how UNOPS contributes to a more sustainable world.
Japan and UNOPS collaboration serves vulnerable community in Darfur A $1.8 million project focused on water security for vulnerable communities in West and East Darfur was handed over on 30 August.
Lights switched on for the first time across rural Sierra Leone Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio officially commissioned the turning-on of lights in 54 rural communities across the country this week, as a part…
Japan strengthens support to Jordan’s response to Syria Crisis with… The Government of Japan is doubling its contribution with four new projects to support the Government of Jordan.
Japan provides $3.5 million in support to the Kurdistan Regional… The Government of Japan has announced two new projects to support the response to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Iraq.