Infrastructure for climate action A report from UNOPS, UN Environment Programme and the University of Oxford has revealed the extent to which infrastructure defines our climate.
“We cannot afford to get it wrong” – UNOPS joins Climate Adaptation… At the Climate Adaptation Summit, UNOPS calls for change and supports tangible solutions to help achieve a climate-resilient future.
"Bringing the ocean to the most connected generation in history" Opening remarks by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the UN Ocean Conference Side Event, 8 June 2017
Albania Established in 2020 to support, develop and manage a growing portfolio of projects, the UNOPS office supports the government of Albania in implementing…
Launch of the Africa Energy Transition Partnership Remarks by Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director, at the 'Launch of the Africa Energy Transition Partnership'…
Helping family farmers: Virila’s story This International Day for Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, we’re taking a closer look at Virila Pereira, a woman who runs a small business…
Improving emergency healthcare services in Jordan In partnership with the European Union (EU) and the Jordanian Ministry of Health, UNOPS will improve three public health facilities to better serve…
Emergency healthcare assistance for the people of Afghanistan The government of Japan is working with UNOPS to deliver ambulances and life-saving medical supplies to the people of Afghanistan.
Our Ocean 2020: UNOPS supports ocean preservation efforts In partnership with the government of Palau, UNOPS will support arrangements for the 2020 Our Ocean conference – an annual event that aims to catalyze…
Building institutional capacity in Palestine In partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), UNOPS will manage the procurement of equipment and supplies for the Palestinian…