World Bank Group – International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings (21-23… Government officials, journalists, civil society organizations, and participants from academia and the private sector will gather to discuss the global…
Taking a holistic approach to resilient infrastructure UNOPS, Catholic Relief Services and the Royal Government of Cambodia are hosting a regional conference on the important role resilient infrastructure…
Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS – Second regular session (New… UNOPS Acting Executive Director Jens Wandel will deliver his statement to the Executive Board and present the 2021 Annual Statistical Report on United…
Strengthening the COVID-19 response in Mexico New medical equipment and ambulances delivered to hospitals across the country will help to improve healthcare services for around 1.8 million people.
Learning from and accelerating good practices of local action for… Speech by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at UN Ocean Conference side event: Marine and coastal management, 6 June…
Safeguarding drinking water for millions in Pakistan UNOPS has upgraded laboratories across Pakistan, helping test and monitor water quality.
Rising With The Tide: Tracking Reforms in the International Financial… Remarks by Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director, at the CVF-V20 – Global Stocktake on Climate Finance…
Stories of resilience: Three lives, one project In Afghanistan, one community-led project is touching millions of lives.
UN procurement reaches new heights as health procurement soars As the United Nations continued to support COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, a new report published by UNOPS on behalf of the UN system details how…
UNOPS and iRAP announce partnership to support global road safety The new partnership will support efforts to improve the safety of road infrastructure and enhance access to safe, affordable and accessible transport…