Working together for a future with plastic-free rivers and seas A new partnership with the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme will support the implementation of the World Bank-funded Plastic Free Rivers and…
Nature’s critical role in infrastructure for sustainable development A new report from the UN Environment Programme, UNOPS and the University of Oxford highlights the contributions of nature-based infrastructure solutions…
Increasing resilience in Susan’s Bay UNOPS is working with the government of Japan to help the largest informal settlement in Freetown, Sierra Leone build back better after devastating fires.
Towards long-term sustainable development in Paraguay A nationwide project is helping to address road infrastructure challenges and foster sustainable development by strengthening the capacity of local public…
Construction starts on Somalia's new Criminal Investigation… The new headquarters will play a critical role in improving access to justice and maintaining law and order in the country.
UNOPS and Japan to repair community development centres in Djibouti Japan is contributing $500,000 toward a UNOPS‐implemented project to rehabilitate four centres damaged by Tropical Cyclone Sagar last year.
Fighting stigma, preventing disease When people who inject drugs are supported it can help reduce the transmission of HIV and hepatitis, lower health costs and reduce crime. In Myanmar,…
Quality infrastructure and better public management key to reducing… UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo and other UNOPS senior leaders joined European Development Days this week in a series of debates on building a world…
The importance of inclusive infrastructure for climate action Inclusive and rights-based climate action must be integrated into infrastructure development to support the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development…
Addressing the Existential Threats Posed by Sea-level Rise Remarks by Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director, at the Breakfast Summit on Addressing Existential Threats…