Statement on the death of UNOPS colleague and his family in Gaza Statement by Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva on the death of UNOPS colleague and his family in Gaza.
Improved access to primary health services in Iraq UNOPS partnered with the government of Japan to support COVID-19 response efforts and improve access to healthcare services for vulnerable populations.
Reducing poverty through modernizing agriculture in rural Paraguay In Paraguay, the President of the Republic announced the next stage of a project to modernize agriculture in rural areas, with Itaipú Binational,…
Help for vulnerable Roma families in Belgrade UNOPS is providing 170 Roma families, who were living in informal settlements, with support to find new homes.
The new and improved One UN compound in Burundi set to open next month UNOPS played a major supervisory role throughout the project, helping the contractor get the work done on schedule and address on-site issues.
“Making peace in practice” Speech by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS, at the Oslo Forum, Oslo, 13 June 2016
Taking a holistic approach to resilient infrastructure UNOPS, Catholic Relief Services and the Royal Government of Cambodia are hosting a regional conference on the important role resilient infrastructure…
Strengthening the COVID-19 response in Mexico New medical equipment and ambulances delivered to hospitals across the country will help to improve healthcare services for around 1.8 million people.
Safeguarding drinking water for millions in Pakistan UNOPS has upgraded laboratories across Pakistan, helping test and monitor water quality.
Rising With The Tide: Tracking Reforms in the International Financial… Remarks by Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director, at the CVF-V20 – Global Stocktake on Climate Finance…