Empowering women through safe public spaces In the Southern Jordan Valley, improved access to safe and inclusive public spaces is supporting innovation and helping create livelihood opportunities…
Statement in response to independent reviews of UNOPS S3i UNOPS welcomes the publication of independent reviews of failures associated with its Sustainable Infrastructure Investments and Innovation (S3i)…
Announcement of closure of UNOPS office in Helsinki Following a decision of the UNOPS Executive Board to phase-out activities related to the former Sustainable Investments in Infrastructure and Innovation…
Promoting South-South Cooperation Statement by Dalila Gonçalves, UNOPS Director for Africa (a.i.), on behalf of Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva,…
Folkemødet (14-17 June, Bornholm, Denmark) Folkemødet is a meeting of people and politicians, with Bornholm providing the venue for Danish politicians to debate current political issues. UNOPS…
Supplying value, delivering results - UNOPS launches new eCommerce… UN Web Buy Plus brings increased efficiency and innovation to the procurement marketplace
Access to healthcare for underserved communities in Tuvalu A new agreement between UNOPS, the government of Tuvalu and the World Bank will strengthen health service delivery for the people of Tuvalu.
Improving health services in Ethiopia UNOPS is working with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) to support the government of Ethiopia with improving health services in the…
Providing uninterrupted health, water and sanitation services to the… UNOPS and the government of Japan will support the uninterrupted provision of critical services in the State of Palestine, with more than $2 million from…
UNOPS to support emergency repairs of schools in Ukraine Together with the government of Ukraine, partners, and with the support of the European Union, UNOPS will carry out emergency repairs of over 40 schools…