Executive Board The Executive Board provides intergovernmental support and supervision for the activities of UNDP, UNFPA, and UNOPS in accordance with the policy guidance…
A safer, healthier future for all As we approach one year since the first COVID-19 cases were reported, we are reminded of the need to build a world where quality healthcare leaves no one…
Statement in response to media coverage on UNOPS S3i and related… UNOPS helps its partners provide peace and security, humanitarian and development solutions. Explore how UNOPS contributes to a more sustainable world.
Combatting corruption in public procurement Improved public spending could help countries recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and encourage sustainable development, argues UNOPS Executive Director.
The economic impact of sustainable procurement in vulnerable countries Supporting sustainable procurement could help drive economic development in Least Developed Countries – here's how.
Infrastructure for Small Island Developing States In its latest report, UNOPS explores the role of sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructure in overcoming challenges and enabling development in…
Rebuilding energy infrastructure in Ukraine On 3 July 2023, UNOPS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the Embassy of Ukraine in Denmark are hosting a high-level roundtable discussion on…
Don't wait for the next pandemic to fix public procurement COVID-19 has shown the importance of public procurement. Here's why transparency in public procurement is vital – and how to encourage it.
International Conference on European Development Aid Post-2015 Opening speech by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS, at the International Conference on European Development Aid…
Implementing the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs - The role of the UN… Opening remarks by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS, at the Swiss IT Leadership Forum, 27 June 2017