Groundbreaking insights from India’s Jal Jeevan Mission UNOPS and the Sankala Foundation have unveiled a powerful report detailing the transformative impact of the Jal Jeevan Mission – that has reshaped clean…
Reducing plastic waste in Libya UNOPS, UN-Habitat and Libya's Ministry of Local Government are working together to promote plastic waste reduction and recycling.
Social safety net project extended to new counties in South Sudan The 'Productive Safety Net for Socio-economic Opportunities' project – popularly known as 'Shabaka Meisha' – will benefit more than 157,000 vulnerable…
Tunisia Since 2006, UNOPS has provided a range of project management, infrastructure, procurement and human resource services, supporting social and economic…
Philippines UNOPS supports the government and other partners in sustainable procurement, infrastructure, governance, grant management and logistical support services.…
Paraguay UNOPS in Paraguay supports our partners’ efforts to enhance socio-economic development across the country in a range of areas. This includes building the…
Peru UNOPS has worked in Peru since 1995, providing infrastructure, procurement, project management and advisory services. The team primarily provides…
Towards better mobile health services in Ecuador UNOPS is working with the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) on the procurement and delivery of new ambulances to improve the provision of…
Palestine (State of) UNOPS works hand-in-hand with the State of Palestine, the donor community, UN organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to…
Austria From Austria, with offices spread across Europe and Central Asia, UNOPS oversees partnerships, programmes and operations in Central Asia, Türkiye, the…