Honduras UNOPS in Honduras helps partners achieve their development goals across a range of sectors. This includes providing support for sustainable infrastructure…
Restoring the rich history of Albania’s cultural heritage sites UNOPS and the European Union (EU) are restoring cultural heritage sites in Albania and supporting local community development.
Statement to the Special session of the Executive Board 2022 Statement by Jens Wandel Acting Executive Director, UNOPS to UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board Special session 2022, 30 November 2022
Ethiopia UNOPS supports the government of Ethiopia, the UN Country Team and other development partners in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. …
Mexico UNOPS in Mexico supports the government by implementing a range of projects to promote resilient urban development and enhance the management of public…
The Caribbean UNOPS in The Caribbean provides regional support for projects in Belize, Curaçao, Grenada, Jamaica, and Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.…
Rising tides, raising voices: A call for climate action from the… In the Pacific, climate change is no longer a distant challenge to prepare for. It is happening now – threatening biodiversity and forcing islanders to…
Artificial intelligence can help achieve the SDGs Speech by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the Second Annual Digital Workforce Summit, New York, 7 June 2018
From small islands to smart islands An event hosted by UNOPS and other UN organizations highlights the importance of digital transformation to accelerate sustainable development in the…
Restoring a historic landmark in Argentina UNOPS worked with the government of Argentina to restore the Manzana de las Luces complex – a cultural institution in the city of Buenos Aires.