Procuring flood mitigation supplies for South Sudan The supplies will help address the country’s vulnerability to floods while building long-term resilience in the most affected communities.
Transparency for strong and impactful climate action For countries to meet their climate objectives and safeguard development goals, transparency is key.
UNOPS and the United States to support the Global Climate Action… UNOPS and the United States (U.S.) Department of State will expand the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP) through a multi-donor fund, aimed at…
Delivering much-needed supplies for earthquake-affected households in… In collaboration with the government of Japan, UNOPS worked to provide vital assistance and help meet the basic needs of women and girls affected by the…
Blueing the Black Sea: Regional collaboration to reduce marine… UNOPS is partnering with the Global Environment Facility, the World Bank and regional governments to help protect the Black Sea by reducing pollution and…
Better diagnostic services and healthcare for people in Sudan UNOPS and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation are improving health services for 2.8 million people – including 175,000 internally displaced…
Reports publicly available All UNOPS Internal Audit Reports, Financial Audit Reports, Activity Reports and Reports of cases of misconduct can be found in the library below.
UNOPS and the International Labour Organization join forces to… A new agreement will explore opportunities for enhancing procurement practices across the UN, with a focus on risk mitigation and supply chain…
Brazil In Brazil, UNOPS supports a range of partners – including federal and state governments, UN agencies, public institutions and other organizations – with…
Towards better healthcare in Honduras In partnership with the Ministry of Health, UNOPS will help improve the provision of primary and emergency healthcare services in one of the country’s…