The Millennium Challenge Corporation and UNOPS sign new agreement UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo and Millennium Challenge Corporation Acting CEO Jonathan Nash marked a new compact agreement that will support large…
Iraq Information Centre marks five years linking people with… Since launching in July 2015, the centre has connected over 3 million people in Iraq with vital information and assistance.
World Identity Network and United Nations team up to launch… The World Identity Network (WIN), UNOPS and the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN-OICT) are partnering to launch a…
Statement by UNOPS Executive Director to the Annual Session of the… Statement by Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director to UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board annual session during the…
United Nations Deputy Secretary-General visits landslide-affected… Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed visited a UNOPS-implemented project site that’s helping communities rebuild their lives and livelihoods after…
Improving health services for vulnerable people in Lebanon With funding from the government of Japan, UNOPS worked with Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health to strengthen health services and provide a reliable…
A roadmap for resilient infrastructure in a changing climate A new report co-written by UNOPS provides Ghana with a resilient infrastructure roadmap as the country adapts to climate change.
Working together towards a low-carbon future A new partnership will advance the Philippines' clean energy transition and support its shift towards a more sustainable future.
UNOPS partners with the government of Estonia to support rule of law… The first agreement of its kind, the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership will support public prosecution reforms in Ukraine, contributing to a fair and…
Enhancing the rule of law in Montenegro With support from the European Union (EU), UNOPS is implementing a new project to strengthen the efficiency of the country's judicial system and human…