Access to a quality education Location or economic resources often limit educational opportunities. A scholarship programme is helping change that for students in the Eastern…
Enhancing healthcare services for Palestinian patients in East… With funding from the government of Japan, a newly rehabilitated pharmacy at the Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem reopens following extensive…
Towards a malaria-free Laos The government of Laos has pledged to eliminate malaria by 2030, and the country seems to be on track. Since 2010, the disease has decreased by more than…
Connecting hospitals to clean energy in Haiti UNOPS is partnering with the World Bank to improve energy access and reduce reliance on fossil fuels at five hospitals across Haiti. Watch to learn more.
Safeguarding drinking water in Pakistan Working together over the past three years, UNOPS, the Korea International Cooperation Agency and the government of Pakistan have upgraded 45 water…
How demining equipment is helping reduce the risk of explosive… In Ukraine’s Chernihiv region, UNOPS and the government of France are providing equipment and training to the national police force to support explosive…
Making science more accessible in Zanzibar: Illham’s story In Zanzibar, UNOPS is helping upgrade science labs in secondary schools with funding from KOICA. Watch to learn how this is helping students like Illham…
How drones are supporting healthcare in Maldives In the Maldives, UNOPS partnered with the Islamic Development Bank to deliver state-of-the-art medical drones. Watch to learn how they are helping the…
Responding to conflict and crises When crises happen, UNOPS helps partners identify and address the most urgent needs, with the goal of providing rapid, effective and efficient assistance.…
Getting Ukraine’s railways back on track UNOPS and the World Bank have delivered vital equipment to Ukraine’s national rail operator to support railroad repairs, which are critical to keep goods…