The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Statement on supporting the future of Syria and the region

Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Amman, Muhammad Usman Akram, spoke at the Eighth Brussels conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region.

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Excellencies, Distinguished Participants, Colleagues,

Syria continues to be one of the most complex humanitarian emergencies and displacement crises of our times. The situation inside Syria continues to worsen, and the protracted nature of the crisis is severely depleting the resilience of the affected population. The external situation and its ramifications are equally concerning, and certainly not favouring the plight of the millions of Syrians, inside and outside Syria.

While a long term solution is urgently required to address the dire needs of the local community at large, we must also reflect on the widespread damage to the public infrastructure exacerbated by last year’s earthquake hindering the early recovery efforts, depriving millions of Syrians’ access to basic services, and increasing their vulnerabilities with regards to protection.

As the UN agency mandated with infrastructure, procurement and project management, UNOPS has been addressing some of the most critical challenges affecting the Syrian population both in Syria and within the neighbouring countries and communities hosting the Syrian refugees.

To date, UNOPS has focused on improving living conditions and resilience of Syrians and host communities through provision of and access to critical services including health, education, water supply and livelihoods.

Through the EU-funded Nexus Response Mechanism, UNOPS is working to further the early recovery efforts for the local communities through enhanced access to livelihood opportunities, strengthened capacities of civil society organizations, and local service providers.

UNOPS welcomes the pledges and commitments being made, and remains committed to support the collective efforts of the international community in line with the humanitarian principles for a better and more dignified and resilient tomorrow for the people of Syria.

Thank you.

Learn more about the conference here.

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