The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Statement by UNOPS Executive Director to 23rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries

Statement delivered on behalf of Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director to the 23rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries, 26 September 2024.

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Mr. Chair, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,

UNOPS is committed to supporting Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) to address their unique challenges and meet sustainable development aspirations, through our focus on offering practical solutions.

UNOPS is mandated to help expand the implementation capacity of our partners across infrastructure, procurement and project management services. These are all areas that relate closely to the priorities outlined in the Vienna Programme of Action, and the growing needs of LLDCs as we move forward.

UNOPS is already present across most LLDCs, working closely with our partners to implement the Vienna Programme of Action over the past decade. And we are committed to supporting the new Programme of Action and its priority areas.

We are committed to supporting LLDCs to improve infrastructure planning, delivery and management practices. From planning - using advanced tools such as the National Infrastructure Systems Model co-developed with the University of Oxford, to project execution and management - UNOPS delivers infrastructure in key sectors. These include land and maritime transport and trade, renewable energy, water, healthcare and early warning systems. UNOPS also provides sustainable procurement services, strengthening national capacities and supporting local private sector and employment.

Mr. Chair,

UNOPS closely follows proposals for the establishment of an infrastructure investment finance facility for LLDCs and we stand ready to support through project preparation and implementation. We also stand ready to support our LLDC partners to respond to implementation challenges, secure and absorb financial resources and close development gaps.

We welcome the Programme of Action for LLDCs’ focus on addressing the challenges from climate change and natural hazards that severely impact LLDCs' development.

UNOPS supports LLDCs’ climate action in a variety of ways. One example is through the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT), where we help countries - including many LLDCs - to advance on their implementation agenda by building effective climate data frameworks to plan, manage and track climate action.

UNOPS is fully committed to delivering impact and progress for LLDCs through robust partnerships.

I wish LLDCs every success in achieving the objectives of the LLDC3 Conference. We are committed to standing beside the LLDCs, in all your efforts to not just overcome barriers, but also build a prosperous, sustainable and inclusive future.

Thank you.

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