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Ukraine host country agreement signed on 22 November will enable UNOPS to open an office in the country and streamline its ongoing operations.
Over the years, the people of Japan have supported stability in fragile states around the world.
A $1.8 million project focused on water security for vulnerable communities in West and East Darfur was handed over on 30 August.
The Government of Japan is funding a $3.2 million UNOPS-implemented project designed to assist Somali’s federal police force.
Behind the scenes: personal stories from temporary settlements in Jordan and Iraq
About 15,000 Afghans are set to benefit from more reliable and better access to electricity under a $5 million renewable energy project funded by the Government of Japan.
Heavy flooding in North Darfur devastated the area, impacting local health and educational services.
Through ongoing conflict in the region, reliable access to safe, clean drinking water has long been an issue for local communities.
The Government of Japan is doubling its contribution with four new projects to support the Government of Jordan.
Twenty fully equipped paramedic ambulances, funded by the Government of Japan, were handed over to the Kurdistan Regional Government at a ceremony held at the Baharka Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp in Erbil, Iraq.
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