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The state-of-the-art support includes software and hardware to help analysis and detect cyber threats.
UNOPS ongoing partnership with the government of Denmark will further support conflict-affect communities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
The ‘PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature’ programme is a collaboration between UN agencies and national and local governments.
UNOPS is working with the Danish government to deliver crucial disaster relief to Ukraine, as the country grapples with the aftermath of the breach of the Nova Kakhovka Dam that triggered widespread flooding.
The restoration of Albania's National Historical Museum rekindles the spirit of its cultural heritage, showcasing the resilience of its iconic mosaic.
UNOPS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the Embassy of Ukraine in Denmark hosted a high-level roundtable discussion on rebuilding more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure in Ukraine.
Opinion article by Jorge Moreira da Silva, regarding his first visit to Ukraine as UNOPS Executive Director, originally published in Euronews (Europe) – 19 June 2023.
On 3 July 2023, UNOPS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the Embassy of Ukraine in Denmark are hosting a high-level roundtable discussion on rebuilding a more sustainable, resilient energy infrastructure in Ukraine.
UNOPS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the Embassy of Ukraine in Denmark will host a high-level roundtable discussion on rebuilding a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure in Ukraine. UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva will give a keynote address at the event.
More than 320 generators are supporting district heating and healthcare facilities in 13 regions of Ukraine.
The summit will lay the foundation for a new system to meet the shared development challenges. UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva will speak at a UNOPS co-organized side event on a new financial pact for Small Island Developing States. A second UNOPS co-organized side event will discuss financial measures at hand to meet the Sustainable Development Goals with young leaders.
Co-hosted by Ukraine and the United Kingdom, the conference is the central forum for the international community to support Ukraine in its recovery and reconstruction efforts. UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva will speak at the conference.
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