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Health and safety on construction sites should be the norm, not the exception – regardless of which country you're in.
A new report published by UNOPS calls on the global community to change the way infrastructure is planned, delivered and managed so that it empowers women and girls.
The report calls on the global community to change the way infrastructure is planned, delivered and managed to empower women and girls and take us one step closer to realizing the 2030 Agenda.
New UNOPS-supported research published by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) examines the implications of COVID-19 and the opportunity it presents to rethink approaches to public procurement.
Research by The Economist Intelligence Unit, supported by UNOPS, explores how the COVID-19 crisis presents a unique opportunity for governments to ensure public procurement is more inclusive, sustainable and transparent in the future.
Recognizing their important role in building sustainable economies, a new online course is helping micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) tap into UNOPS procurement opportunities.
The scholarship programme aims to increase educational and employment opportunities for students from the European Union's Eastern Partnership countries.
Social, environmental and economic sustainability objectives can be achieved through less wasteful and more efficient public spending – a paper by The Economist Intelligence Unit and supported by UNOPS explores the possibilities.
The Sustainability Report 2019 gives a flavour of the breadth of our support to partners around the world – helping advance sustainable and inclusive development
Since 2006, Gaza has suffered from chronic electricity shortages. This further exacerbates already difficult living conditions for the majority of its nearly two million residents, who live on just a few hours of electricity every day.
The government of Mexico City is working with UNOPS to modernize the public transportation system, making it more accessible for commuters.
For nearly three decades, Ukraine has seen a steady decline in its population numbers. A low birth rate is partly the cause of the eastern European nation facing a population crisis that threatens its long-term social, economic and political development.
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Ambitions to action