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UNOPS will help support the Mayan Train project – a new 1,500-kilometre intercity railway in southeastern Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.
A new agreement signed by UNOPS, the government of Mexico and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will improve transparency and value for money.
UNOPS and partners will conduct a landmark study on the impact of climate change on Ghana’s infrastructure development.
A mother. A boxer. A jill of all trades. Blanca’s determination is unparalleled …
An infrastructure programme is providing former prisoners with an opportunity to help improve their communities.
A participatory housing project is equipping families with new skills, empowering women and connecting communities.
Across Argentina, new homes are desperately needed to improve living conditions and provide a safe space for families to live and thrive.
In one of the most urbanized countries in Latin America, a social infrastructure and housing programme is changing the way people live their lives.
UNOPS will help Islamic Development Bank member countries scale up their health capacity to fight COVID-19.
Since launching in July 2015, the centre has connected over 3 million people in Iraq with vital information and assistance.
The Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement provides data and analysis on the goods and services procured by the United Nations system in support of its operations around the world.
United Nations (UN) organizations spent $19.9 billion on goods and services in 2019, according to a new report published by UNOPS on behalf of the UN system.
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