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UNOPS is working with the European Union and partners to procure specialist equipment for law enforcement agencies in Ukraine.
The World Urban Forum examines rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies. On 29 June, UNOPS will co-host a panel discussion on scaling up essential services in African cities.
As part of the European Development Days, UNOPS Director of Implementation Practices and Standards, Nick O'Regan, will participate in a lab debate on 21 June on how quality and green infrastructure can bring new opportunities in developing countries. The event will be live-streamed.
A new partnership with the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme will support the implementation of the World Bank-funded Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia project.
A new partnership will advance the Philippines' clean energy transition and support its shift towards a more sustainable future.
UNOPS is supporting the government of Liberia's efforts to respond to climate-related disasters more effectively and to mitigate their impact.
Statement by Jens Wandel, Acting Executive Director of UNOPS, to UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board, Annual Session – 6 June 2022
Sustainability, resilience and inclusion lie at the heart of our work.
Explore how the rehabilitation of one of Yemen’s leading hospitals is enabling doctors to provide better care.
As COVID-19 swept across Argentina, quick action to prepare for and respond to the escalating health crisis helped save lives.
Across east Africa, the pandemic has strained healthcare systems and brought businesses to a grinding halt. A coordinated approach is supporting the recovery.
Take a look at how Bangladesh is making resilience, sustainability and inclusion the cornerstones of its future.
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Ambitions to action