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In Ukraine’s Chernihiv region, UNOPS and the government of France are providing equipment and training to the national police force to support explosive ordnance disposal. Watch to discover more.
Lilia Netesa manages a repair team that is helping restore buildings in Kharkiv, Ukraine that were damaged in 2022. Watch to learn more about her work and the impact this Japan-funded project is having on the city’s residents.
In Mykolaiv, Ukraine, UNOPS and Denmark have delivered six mobile boiler houses. Watch to learn how these heat generation units will help the city to manage the winter season.
The ‘2023 Purchase for Impact’ report highlights how UNOPS procurement efforts helped countries respond to conflicts and crises, advance their climate priorities, and foster sustainable, inclusive development around the world. Watch to learn more about how procurement impact can drive positive change.
Marking its 40th edition, the 2023 Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement details how 32 UN organizations spent $24.9 billion on goods and services last year. Watch to learn more.
In Afghanistan, UNOPS and the World Bank are supporting vulnerable communities through short-term employment opportunities and social grants. Watch to discover more.
UNOPS Project of the Year Awards recognize outstanding achievement in project delivery, highling our operations across all regions. Out of some 1,100 projects implemented by UNOPS in over 80 countries in 2023, 6 projects were chosen to receive the award. Watch to learn more about this project.
UNOPS and the World Bank have delivered vital equipment to Ukraine’s national rail operator to support railroad repairs, which are critical to keep goods and people moving. Watch to learn more.
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