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In Kharkiv, Ukraine, UNOPS and the government of Japan are working to restore housing damaged in 2022, bringing hope and a sense of normalcy to a city still under fire.
UNOPS is working to help more than 14,000 students return to school
In Mykolaiv, Ukraine, UNOPS and Denmark have delivered six mobile boiler houses. Watch to learn how these heat generation units will help the city to manage the winter season.
With funding from the government of Denmark, UNOPS continues to deliver critical solutions to enhance the resilience of Mykolaiv City in southern Ukraine.
Renovated as part of the UNOPS-implemented, European Union-funded EU4Culture Programme, the museum is helping preserve Albania's cultural heritage.
UNOPS and the government are working together, backed by an Islamic Development Bank loan, to modernize oncology care.
UNOPS and the government are working together to enhance local eGovernment Services
With support from the European Union (EU), UNOPS is piloting a €10 million local development initiative through projects in 30 local governments in Serbia.
UNOPS Project of the Year Awards recognize outstanding achievement in project delivery, highling our operations across all regions. Out of some 1,100 projects implemented by UNOPS in over 80 countries in 2023, 6 projects were chosen to receive the award. Watch to learn more about this project.
UNOPS proudly announces the winners of the latest Project of the Year Awards – an annual internal initiative that celebrates the impact of transformative projects.
UNOPS and the World Bank have delivered vital equipment to Ukraine’s national rail operator to support railroad repairs, which are critical to keep goods and people moving. Watch to learn more.
Statement by Tim Lardner, UNOPS Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Ukraine, Recovery Conference in Berlin - 12 June 2024
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