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From Afghanistan to Yemen, millions of people face challenges linked to conflict, crisis and lack of access to critical goods and services.
Statement delivered by Jorge Moreira da Silva, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director.
In partnership with the government of Germany, UNOPS will help improve basic living conditions and access to public services for returnees in Anbar and Ninewa Governorates.
In Lebanon, UNOPS is working with the government of Germany through the KfW Development Bank to install street lights in the town of Bourj Hammoud.
UNOPS worked with the government of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency to help improve medical testing and cold storage facilities in the West Bank.
In Yemen, heavy rainfalls and other extreme weather events have devastating consequences for both urban and rural communities. Climate-resilient roads offer a lifeline.
Faced with water scarcity, population growth and an overuse of limited natural resources, improved water infrastructure is helping deliver clean water to those most in need.
To address critical healthcare shortages, UNOPS partnered with KfW to train healthcare workers in five facilities across Yemen.
UNOPS and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Yemen are working to scale-up much-needed mine action operations across the country.
Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Amman, Muhammad Usman Akram, statement on the devastating rains and subsequent flooding in Yemen.
UNOPS and the World Bank are enhancing road infrastructure to improve access to food and basic services for rural communities across Yemen.
Renewable energy solutions are providing a more reliable source of electricity for millions of people in Yemen – and improving their access to essential services.
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30 years of action