The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Building resilience: Asia’s sustainable development imperative

Opinion article by Kirstine Damkjaer, UNOPS Deputy Executive Director of Delivery and Partnerships, published in The Daily Star – 8 February 2025

Asia has long been heralded as a beacon of progress in poverty reduction, lifting 1.5 billion people out of extreme poverty within just two generations. Yet, this remarkable achievement cannot mask the region's remaining challenges. About 692 million people remained trapped in extreme poverty in 2024, living on less than $2.15 a day. Projections suggest that 266 million more could fall into poverty by 2040. Climate change compounds these vulnerabilities, leaving communities in Asia, the world's most disaster-prone region, grappling with recurring crises.

In the face of these challenges, sustainable infrastructure, climate action and resilient health systems emerge as pillars of hope.

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