The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Youth leadership key to climate action

The next generation will live through the consequences of climate change. In India, UNOPS is helping prepare them, with knowledge.

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Around the world, young people are driving climate action and have demonstrated that information is power. They are advocating for change and holding leaders accountable for their environmental policies and actions.

Joining the global movement, UNOPS and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in Uttar Pradesh organized a national conference – Awareness on Climate Change, Health and Hygiene. The event marks the completion of a collaborative project that successfully engaged over 27,000 children, including 17,000 girls from schools across 11 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India. Activities focused on climate change, water conservation, health and hygiene, and menstrual health.

At UNOPS, we are empowering young minds to become ambassadors for sustainable living.

Vinod Mishra - Country Manager in India

The conference gathered stakeholders, including children from Uttar Pradesh, to share their learnings and discuss how such partnerships can help strengthen climate action. It was attended by partners from the UN family, prominent non-governmental agencies and policymakers from the government of India.

“I would like that UNOPS and its partners come together to work in not just 11 but all 75 districts to reach out to not just 27,000 but millions of children so they can create awareness and bring a change in the society,” said Brijraj Singh Yadav, Executive Director, State Water and Sanitation Mission, government of Uttar Pradesh.

The conference helped students understand the science behind climate change and demonstrated how they can make informed choices in their daily lives – from reducing our carbon footprint to supporting eco-friendly initiatives. The event also highlighted why climate change isn't just an environmental issue but also a social justice issue – disproportionately impacting marginalized communities.

“If children’s perspectives shift, adults learn on their own. Through action-based activities, this project has resulted in an attitude transformation in children,” said Durga Shakti Nagpal, District Magistrate, Banda, Uttar Pradesh.

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