The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


UNOPS and the United States to support the Global Climate Action Partnership

UNOPS and the United States (U.S.) Department of State will expand the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP) through a multi-donor fund, aimed at accelerating global efforts in climate action.

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The increasing global demand for robust climate strategies is a challenge for many countries, particularly in developing regions. As the effects of climate change intensify, there is a growing need for comprehensive action to help nations meet their climate commitments – including through nationally determined contributions (NDCs), and Long-term Strategies (LTS) under the Paris Agreement.

The GCAP is a member-driven network designed to accelerate these actions and has experienced an increase in demand for global and regional cooperation across developing countries in recent years. The GCAP regional platforms in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean enable countries to cooperate and co-create solutions that accelerate the implementation of common goals in their respective regions, while the global secretariat coordinates the collaboration and peer learning across regions.

To help expand the reach and impact of the GCAP, UNOPS has partnered with the U.S. Department of State to establish a GCAP multi-donor fund. Through this fund, UNOPS will manage resources, provide financial oversight, and expand GCAP's operational capabilities. UNOPS will collaborate with the U.S. government’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory , which serves as the GCAP Global Secretariat, to fulfill the vision and mission of the GCAP in support of its members network.

“The Global Climate Action Partnership has already demonstrated significant impact, and I believe that by expanding its reach through a multi-donor fund, we can accelerate progress towards addressing the urgent challenges of climate change,” said Trigg Talley, Senior Advisor to the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and Director, Climate Negotiations and Programs, Department of State.

We are pleased to welcome UNOPS to GCAP and are confident that their operational expertise will ensure that these funds are used effectively to maximize the positive outcomes and impact of the GCAP and its partners.

Trigg Talley - Senior Advisor to the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and Director, Climate Negotiations and Programs, Department of State.

UNOPS will also work closely with the GCAP Secretariat to develop its new five-year strategy and workplan through a participatory process that puts developing country members at the centre of its development and implementation. This collaborative effort will ensure the GCAP can strengthen its regional platforms in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, helping these regions better address the urgent challenges posed by climate change

This partnership will also help strengthen international collaboration on climate action, supporting developing nations mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change and fulfill their newly revised NDCs and LTSs.

“Climate change is the defining issue of our generation, and, sadly, the generations to come,” explained Émilie Potvin, Director, UNOPS Global Portfolio Office.

“We are pleased to be able to partner with the United Stated to continue to strengthen the international collaboration required to collectively achieve the global goals we have set ourselves.

“Expanding the reach and ability of GCAP will support nations to reach their climate targets and have a far-reaching impact on global climate action,” she added.

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