The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


UNOPS and Denmark deliver heavy duty vehicles to assist Ukraine’s recovery

UNOPS ongoing partnership with the government of Denmark will further support conflict-affect communities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

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  • This article was originally published on 23 June 2023.

Project updates:

20 July 2023

  • Eleven wheel loaders have been delivered to Zaporizhia and Dnipro, which are the centres of two oblasts that have faced massive attacks throughout the war. The wheel loaders will be used for rubble clearance as well as road, bridge and storm sewer system maintenance, impacting the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

This gymnasium in downtown Mykolaiv is considered for restoration. Apart from being a key educational facility, it is also a building of great cultural value - one of the oldest surviving public structures in the city.
Crisis response in Ukraine

Read more on how we’re supporting communities affected by the conflict in Ukraine – and helping to lay the foundations for a sustainable future.

With a focus on increasing access to essential services and restoring critical infrastructure, UNOPS partnership with the government of Denmark is helping to build resilience, restore access to services, and improve living conditions for affected communities.

As part of an ongoing and evolving project, UNOPS procured six wheel loaders and two excavators that will assist in the clearance of rubble and the stabilization of damaged sites. These heavy-duty vehicles will be operated by municipal companies in Mykolaiv and its neighbouring communities.

Mykolaiv, in southern Ukraine, has been devastated by the ongoing conflict, with countless buildings damaged or destroyed. This has disrupted the city's utility networks and limited access to basic services, including electricity, heating and water.

To address this critical situation, the government of Denmark has provided over $6.5 million to UNOPS to deliver vital resources and undertake various initiatives that are aimed at rebuilding Mykolaiv and its neighboring communities. The partnership is focused on restoring essential services, such as electricity and heating, and laying the foundations for sustainable recovery and development. 

Life goes on: our people need reliable utilities, decent medical care, education, and economic opportunities. It is great to have the government of Denmark and UNOPS on our side, helping us meet those needs.

Vitalii Kim - Governor of the Mykolaiv Oblast, Ukraine

This is part of the second segment of the cooperation between the government of Denmark and UNOPS in Mykolaiv and the region. It follows the first stage that focused on securing access to electricity and heating.

By ensuring access to utilities, medical care, and education and economic opportunities, the partnership between Denmark and UNOPS is providing a lifeline for the affected communities.

"The partnership between UNOPS and Denmark is making a tangible difference in the lives of the people of Mykolaiv,” said Tim Lardner, UNOPS Country Director in Ukraine.

“By providing the necessary resources and expertise, we are helping communities regain a sense of normalcy and stability in the midst of a volatile security situation,” he added.

Through these joint efforts, UNOPS and the government of Denmark are supporting the people of Mykolaiv to build resilience, addressing immediate needs and laying the foundation for a brighter future.

“We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the people of Mykolaiv and are pleased to support this vital project. Our partnerships with UNOPS and other partners demonstrates our commitment to helping communities recover from the devastating effects of war,” said Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy of Denmark.

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