The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Transforming Montenegro's public services through digital innovation

UNOPS and the government are working together to enhance local eGovernment Services

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Despite improvements over the years, many local government departments in Montenegro continue to face challenges with the delivery of services, including bureaucratic inefficiencies and outdated administrative processes. This has affected overall citizen satisfaction with public services.

To tackle this issue, the government of Montenegro and the UNOPS have begun working on a project that aims to assess and improve the state of eGovernment and eServices – digital tools and systems used by local governments throughout the country to provide services, information, and communication to citizens, businesses and other government entities.

"Digitalisation at the central and local levels is a priority of the Ministry of Public Administration, which we prove every day. Today we officially start identifying the digital maturity of local governments. In 24 months, as long as the project lasts, we will be closer to our ultimate goal, which is to reduce bureaucracy and improve the satisfaction of citizens," said Marash Dukaj, Minister of Public Administration.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Administration, UNOPS will conduct a comprehensive assessment of electronic administration in local government units. This assessment will provide solutions to plan and implement effective digital transformation strategies.

We will offer proposals for quick interventions from which citizens will be able to quickly and directly feel the benefit, but also propose strategic and long-term activities.

Michela Telatin - UNOPS Serbia Multi-country Director

Key actions will include:

The two-year project will also provide concrete support to select municipalities based on the assessment findings. This includes technical assistance, training and the development of local action plans.

The strategic and long-term activities proposed will ensure sustainable digital growth across Montenegro’s local governments. Importantly, the project emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring that benefits are accessible to all citizens, including vulnerable groups, regardless of their region, social or marital status.

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