The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Towards long-term sustainable development in Paraguay

A nationwide project is helping to address road infrastructure challenges and foster sustainable development by strengthening the capacity of local public services.

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Paraguay faces a significant infrastructure gap in its road network – 73 per cent of the country's roads are unpaved, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Communications, hampering safety, accessibility and economic development.

In partnership with the government of Paraguay and Itaipu Binacional, UNOPS has procured 175 pieces of road and agricultural machinery – such as motor graders, tractors, backhoe loaders, dump trucks, harrow equipment and excavators – to 17 governorates across the country.

The equipment delivered has been procured in an efficient and cost-effective manner and sourced entirely from local suppliers. This will enhance the provision of local public services – ensuring they are better equipped to manage road infrastructure improvements and helping to strengthen agricultural production in their communities.

By making roads safer and by facilitating the commercialization of local products, the project contributes to fostering economic growth and sustainable development for the people of Paraguay – in line with the country’s national development priorities.

Today we are taking a step towards a more just society.

Santiago Peña - President of the Republic of Paraguay

Supporting government initiatives to improve sustainable development, from modernizing family agriculture to improving prison conditions.

“[The project] has involved the collaboration of all the governors, of all the institutions. This is an important step that we are taking, but there is still a long way to go,” said Santiago Peña, President of the Republic of Paraguay at a ceremony this week marking the delivery of the last machinery.

"This collaboration with Itaipu Binacional and UNOPS is essential so that the local governorates can carry out their projects more effectively and efficiently, positively impacting the lives of our citizens," said Norma Zárate de Monges, President of the Council of Governors and Governor of the Department of Paraguarí.

Training will also be provided to each of the 17 governorates to build local capacity and ensure the sustainable use and maintenance of the equipment and machinery delivered.

“We are experiencing a celebration of trust and joint work between the government of Paraguay and local governments," said Justo Zacarías Irún, Director of the Itaipu Binacional in Paraguay. "Today, more than the 175 machines delivered, we celebrate the strengthening of decentralization,” he added.

“UNOPS is committed to supporting Paraguay on its path towards sustainable development, providing solutions that not only respond to current needs but also prepare the country for the challenges of the future,” added Roberto Carrillo Castillo, Director of UNOPS in Paraguay.

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