The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


The path ahead: Implementing the Pact for the Future

UNOPS has affirmed its commitment to helping drive the Pact for the Future forward, through practical solutions and a focus on implementation.

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Adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) during its Summit of the Future this week, the Pact for the Future, along with the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations, represents a significant step forward in addressing global challenges and building a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Participating in various high-level discussions during the landmark event, UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva reasserted the organization’s commitment to helping get the Sustainable Development Goals back-on-track; translating climate commitments into robust climate action; and supporting partners and communities where needs are greatest.

“Through our focus on practical solutions, we support our partners to respond to conflicts and crises, deliver sustainable development and advance climate action – responding to needs now, while building the foundations for a sustainable and peaceful future,” said Jorge Moreira da Silva, in his remarks at the Summit of the Future plenary meeting.

To deliver on the promise of leaving no one behind, Executive Director Moreira da Silva also stressed the need to address challenges with implementation and bridge the gap that exists between ambitions and the reality on the ground – particularly in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Summit of the Future

This year’s Summit of the Future marked a crucial opportunity for the international community to deliver on the promise of creating a brighter future – for people and the planet.

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“To turn development and climate ambitions into actions that improve the lives of millions, we need to redouble our efforts to provide technical assistance and support on implementation, where these are required,” said Jorge Moreira da Silva, during an interactive dialogue on transforming global governance and turbocharging implementation.

UNOPS also highlighted the critical role youth play in shaping and building our common future.

“We are determined to support efforts to create a world where every child and young person can thrive and reach their full potential,” said Jorge Moreira da Silva. “A world where the voices of youth are heard, and where they are an active part of our collective efforts to find sustainable solutions to our shared challenges.”

As the international community works to implement the Pact for the Future, UNOPS stands ready to play a crucial role in ensuring that its promises are turned into practical outcomes – always working in partnerships and driven by a commitment to fighting inequalities and providing opportunities for those most vulnerable.

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