The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Strengthening the resilience of Brazil’s food supply

A new partnership with the Brazilian National Supply Company (CONAB) will help strengthen national food security by improving key infrastructure.

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Brazil ranks among the top five largest grain producers globally. This year, producers in the country are expected to break records with a significant increase in grain production.

To effectively manage the production, proper storage and distribution of the grains are essential.

In partnership with the Brazilian National Supply Company, UNOPS will help improve grain storage facilities across the country.

We will work to ensure that the results of the project are delivered on time [...] with the highest quality possible.

Fernando Barbieri - Director of the UNOPS Southern Cone Multi-Country Office

“With this type of partnership, we at UNOPS also reinforce our commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals – building a more efficient, resilient and accessible food system for all,” he added.

With $10 million in funding from Itaipu Binacional, UNOPS will conduct infrastructure assessments on four warehouses located in the states of Paraná in southern Brazil and in Mato Grosso do Sul, which borders Bolivia and Paraguay.

UNOPS will also manage the renovation and modernization of the Ponta Grossa storage warehouse in Paraná, one of the largest grain storage units in Brazil, which is currently not operating at full capacity due to much-needed infrastructure upgrades. The modernization efforts will improve the flow of wheat and soybean production from several states to the Port of Paranaguá, which is located 200 kilometres away.

“With this investment, we will modernize all machinery with state-of-the-art technology and improve the supply infrastructure,” highlighted João Edegar Pretto, President of Conab during the signing ceremony.

By significantly expanding grain storage capacity in the country, the initiative will enhance supply management, help control inflation and reduce food prices for Brazilian consumers – ultimately strengthening the country's agricultural sector.

“The renovation of these warehouses will have a direct impact on people's lives by reducing food prices and decreasing inflation”, said Enio Verri, Director of Itaipu Binacional in Brazil. “It is also a very important investment for the agricultural business and, especially, for family farming, which often lacks space to store their production as they do not always have access to warehouses," he added.

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