The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Strengthening Suhul Hospital in Tigray

UNOPS is working with the government of Italy to procure advanced medical equipment for the hospital in the city of Shire.

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Suhul Hospital is a vital healthcare provider in northwestern Tigray. It offers a wide range of medical services to local communities and serves around 18,000 people per month – 50 per cent of whom are women.

As part of a €1.5 million project funded by the government of Italy, UNOPS will procure cutting-edge medical equipment that will enhance the hospital’s diagnostic, therapeutic and patient-monitoring capabilities.

The project will contribute to re-establishing a fully functional health facility that can deliver essential services for communities and refugees within the city of Shire.

We're not only enhancing the hospital's ability to provide quality care but also contributing to the overall health and well-being of the community it serves in Shire.

Worknesh Mekonnen - Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Ethiopia

The equipment includes advanced imaging systems, diagnostic tools, surgical instruments and comprehensive patient care equipment, which will enable the hospital to expand its services, reduce patient wait times and improve the overall quality of care provided to the community.

UNOPS will also provide training to hospital staff on the operation and maintenance of the new equipment.

"While enhancing the healthcare services at Suhul Hospital for the benefit of some of the most vulnerable communities in the country, we reaffirm our determination to contribute to the enhancement of Tigray Region health sector by increasing its resilience and strengthening its capacity," said Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia Agostino Palese.

"This project embodies Italy's enduring commitment to supporting the health and well-being of all communities in Ethiopia, particularly in regions that have faced significant challenges," said Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation Isabella Lucaferri.

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