The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Responding to global challenges through impactful procurement

A new report highlights the significant role UNOPS procurement operations played in helping to address urgent needs and advance sustainable development in 2023.

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Purchase for Impact

Explore the role UNOPS procurement operations played in responding to crises and advancing sustainable development in 2023.


The ‘2023 Purchase for Impact’ report highlights how UNOPS procurement efforts helped countries respond to conflicts and crises, advance their climate priorities, and foster sustainable, inclusive development around the world.

From the devastating floods in Pakistan to the complex crises in Afghanistan, Gaza and Ukraine, the report showcases a range of UNOPS procurement operations in 2023 that helped to ensure critical goods and services reached where needs were greatest.

Responding to today’s multifold challenges depends on our ability to deliver goods and services to those who need it most.

Jorge Moreira da Silva - UNOPS Executive Director

The report also demonstrates how sustainable procurement can be used to support local economies, advance equality and accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals.

In 2023, UNOPS procured $1.6 billion in goods and services from more than 5,700 suppliers around the world, on behalf of 184 different partners. The World Bank Group was the single largest partner by procurement volume in 2023, supporting $466 million worth of procurement activities.

UNOPS prioritizes sourcing from local suppliers to promote local economic growth, especially in vulnerable areas. In 2023, this included procurement operations in:

Procurement played a significant role in UNOPS infrastructure delivery. In 2023, infrastructure became UNOPS largest procurement category – with a more than 70 per cent increase on the previous year – totalling $384 million. Infrastructure projects included the construction of hospitals, roads, schools, water and sanitation facilities, and other essential public infrastructure.

Health was the second-largest category of UNOPS procurement, with $318 million spent on health-related items last year. 

“This report serves as a testament to the dedication and adaptability of our procurement teams around the world, [and] highlights the diverse range of operations we undertook in 2023,” said UNOPS Director of Procurement Anne-Claire Howard.

Additionally, the ‘2023 Purchase for Impact’ report explores UNOPS journey in working with partners and suppliers to strengthen the sustainability of the goods and services it procures. This includes efforts to build resilient and sustainable supply chains, which are crucial for economic development, and diversifying supply chains to support businesses owned by women, young people, persons with disabilities, and ethnic minorities.

“Looking ahead, we know that the challenges we face are not diminishing. Climate change, conflict and natural disasters continue to threaten communities around the world. But at UNOPS, we remain committed to playing our part,” said Anne-Claire Howard.

“We will continue to refine our procurement strategies, integrate sustainability, leverage digitalization and innovation, and build strong partnerships to ensure that we can effectively respond to whatever challenges may come our way,” she added.

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