The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Grete Faremo attends Executive Board
UNOPS Executive Director is in New York for a week of meetings, including her first visit with new UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. She will deliver her statement at the first regular session of the Executive Board on Tuesday.
Ms. Faremo met with outgoing and incoming members of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS on Friday, which coincided with her first official meeting with the new President of the Board, Ib Petersen, Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN.
She will meet with the Secretary-General later in this week.
Ms. Faremo has also met with the new UN Humanitarian Envoy, Ahmed Al Meraikhi of Qatar. They discussed the importance of the UN remaining fit for purpose in the context of changes to development financing.
His Excellency underlined the UN's role as a convening power to ensure that priorities are aligned, in order to tackle some of the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges.
Ms. Faremo briefed the new humanitarian envoy on UNOPS support to the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism in Yemen, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism, as well as UNOPS work in fund management, and capacity development for national authorities and civil society.
Later today, Ms. Faremo will meet with the Alliance of Small Island States to discuss UNOPS work in resilience. Later in the week, she will meet Tamrat Samuel, former Assistant Secretary-General for the UN Mission in Liberia, to discuss UNOPS operations in the peace and security fields.
A meeting with the Canadian Co-Chairs of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations is also scheduled.
Her statement can be accessed via UN Web TV and is available on UNOPS website.