The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


From small islands to smart islands

An event hosted by UNOPS and other UN organizations highlights the importance of digital transformation to accelerate sustainable development in the Pacific.

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Digital transformation is key to advancing sustainable development in Pacific Small Island Developing States. But the geographic characteristics of Small Island Developing States, including widely dispersed populations, create challenges to securing affordable information and communication technology connectivity.

At an event entitled 'Smart islands: Bringing digital experiences to Pacific communities advancing the Sustainable Development Goals,' more than 50 participants from the diplomatic community, philanthropic organizations and UN organizations discussed the importance of bridging the digital divide and using emerging technologies to enhance sustainable development in Pacific Small Island Developing States.

By embracing these innovations, we're not just tackling today's challenges but also creating a bright and sustainable future for all Pacific communities.

Sanjay Mathur - UNOPS Regional Director for Asia-Pacific

Under the Smart Island Programme, UNOPS and the International Telecommunication Union have been supporting digital transformation initiatives, solutions and policy framework developments that align with the Pacific’s developmental goals, alongside other UN organizations in the region.

The event was hosted by the International Telecommunication Union, UNOPS, the UN Global Pulse, and the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States.

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