The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

UNOPS Possibilities Forum launches in Amman

As part of UNOPS efforts to further support sustainable procurement, the forum provided small- and medium-sized businesses, including those owned by women, with ideas and tools to encourage their success.

Over 50 companies attended the inaugural event, which kicked off on 28 November. 

UNOPS partnered with the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, the Jordan River Foundation, the United Kingdom's Department for International Development and Funzi for the two-day event.

"I think that this event was very successful – the turnout was amazing. We've heard some great feedback and people are making use of the information they've received here," said Her Excellency Ambassador Lina Arafat, Director of the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy. "This is something that we are proud of and that we want to promote at all times."

"The forum helps suppliers explore the possibilities with their own businesses," said Patricia Moser, UNOPS Director of Procurement. 

She added: "It's also an opportunity for us to engage with them on a greater level and to help build their understanding of what it takes to be a successful business."

Lana Muasher, one of the forum's participants, is the co-founder of an early learning centre in Amman: "With this forum, I found that there are other people in the world like us that believe not just in teaching skills, but in teaching an attitude, and how to be socially and emotionally strong."

UNOPS ‘Possibilities’

The UNOPS Possibilities programme is about exploring and unlocking the potential of local small and medium-sized enterprises and traditionally disadvantaged businesses.

"I am pleased that the first UNOPS Possibilities Forum was held in partnership with our partners in Jordan," said Ms. Bana Kaloti, Director of the UNOPS office in Amman. "Jordan has a vibrant private sector with a huge potential for growth and development, and we are happy to support it."

A mobile learning application for entrepreneurs, developed by Funzi in partnership with the Jordan River Foundation, was also announced at the forum. The application, which will be free of charge and accessible for all participants, will be launched in the coming months.

"We are very proud that our entrepreneurship training module was developed into a blended learning programme, serving massive numbers of beneficiaries with less operational expenses," said Enaam Barrishi, Director General of the Jordan River Foundation.

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