The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Better health services for Honduran youth

In partnership with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), UNOPS will help enhance the quality and reach of healthcare services offered at youth and women-friendly clinics across the country.

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In Honduras, the birthrate for girls between the ages of 15 and 19 has decreased significantly in past decades, but Honduran youth are still facing disparities in access to health services and a lack of adequate sexual and reproductive education. These unmet needs contribute to Honduras continuing to have one of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in Latin America.

To help reduce the rate of unintentional pregnancies among teenage girls in the country, UNOPS is supporting UNFPA to strengthen service delivery capacity by providing existing adolescent and women-friendly clinics with essential equipment.

Early pregnancies among adolescents can have severe health implications for both mothers and their babies. We're joining forces with UNFPA to bring our expertise in health procurement and make essential health services more accessible to youth.

Claudia Valenzuela - UNOPS Country Director in Honduras
Healthcare for all

We’re committed to providing the practical solutions needed to support a healthier future for all.

“This partnership with UNOPS [...] symbolizes [...] the mutual trust and determination to work together to generate tangible and transformative impacts,” said Marco Carias, Director of the UNFPA Office in Honduras.

The items that will be procured under the initiative include medical and surgical equipment as well as computers and other technological equipment. This will contribute to improving the management and operation of the clinics and make quality sexual and reproductive health services more accessible to young people and adolescents across the country.

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