The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

MX country flag Mexico

Key partners

Center for Research and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (INFOTEC)

Government of Mexico City

Mexico City Collective Transportation System (STC)

National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC)

Secretariat of Mobility, Government of Mexico City (SEMOVI)

UNOPS in Mexico supports the government by implementing a range of projects to promote resilient urban development and enhance  the management of public resources.

To help increase mobility and enhance energy efficiency, UNOPS is implementing infrastructure projects to strengthen public transportation networks and their electrical supply. 

UNOPS works with the government and other partners to advance progress towards the 2030 Agenda through transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in public management, strengthen internal processes, and support climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Key Information

  • UNOPS impact in Mexico

    • Strengthening Multi-Service Inclusion and Development Centers by enhancing the State's capacity to support human mobility.
    • Provided technical assistance to help modernize Line 1 of Mexico City’s rapid transport system, benefiting 500,000 daily users.
    • Procured 118 buses and 40 trolleybuses, supporting more than 342,000 people daily through improved public transport in Mexico City.
    • Provided technical assistance to INFOTEC and helped develop the Sustainability Report 2020-2024 – aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

  • +1 million
    Making Mexico City more accessible

    UNOPS supported the government of Mexico City to modernize key transportation networks – including Cablebus lines and Line 1 of the city’s Metro train network – helping make the city more accessible for commuters.

  • Flag MX Contact Details

    UNOPS Mexico


Modernizing transportation in Mexico City

The government of Mexico City is working with UNOPS to modernize the public transportation system, making it more accessible for commuters.

Active projects in the region

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