The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Déclaration du Directeur exécutif de l’UNOPS à la séance plénière du Sommet de l’avenir

Déclaration de Jorge Moreira da Silva, Secrétaire général adjoint des Nations Unies et Directeur exécutif de l’UNOPS, le 22 septembre 2024 (en anglais).

Statement by UNOPS Executive Director to the Plenary Meeting of the Summit of the Future

"Our future hangs in the balance. We owe it to the present and future generations, to act collectively, responsibly and decisively. To deliver peace and prosperity, for people and the planet."


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Mr President,

This year’s Summit of the Future marks a crucial opportunity for the international community to deliver on the promise of creating a more peaceful, fairer, greener, safer future – for people and the planet.

It is a moment of realism - in the face of the many challenges our world faces.

But also a moment of hope and determination, to work together to overcome those challenges, and build a better future for all.

Today, multilateralism received a boost.

The Pact of the Future is three years worth of important analysis, discussions and negotiations. It represents an ambitious response to the youth aspirations on peace and sustainable development.

UNOPS is committed to supporting the outcome of the Summit of the Future.

Through our focus on practical solutions, we support our partners to respond to conflicts and crises, deliver sustainable development and advance climate action. Responding to needs now, while building the foundations for a sustainable and peaceful future.

We do this by supporting our partners to implement projects, through our expertise in infrastructure, procurement and project management.

Mr President, we already have a vision of the future we want for people and the planet. Yet our progress is painfully slow.

Finance and policy gaps are a part of the problem. But to succeed in delivering, we all need to better understand and respond to the challenges of implementation, particularly where needs are greatest, including in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

UNOPS stands ready to bridge the gap that exists between ambitions, and the reality on the ground, always working in partnerships, always driven by the commitment to fight inequalities, and to provide opportunities for the most vulnerable.

We take this opportunity to reiterate our commitment to young people and future generations as part of this journey.

We are determined to support efforts to create a world where every child and young person can thrive and reach their full potential. A world where the voices of youth are heard, and where they are an active part of our collective efforts to find sustainable solutions to our shared challenges.

Our future hangs in the balance.

We owe it to the present and future generations, to act collectively, responsibly and decisively.

To deliver peace and prosperity, for people and the planet.

UNOPS is committed to these efforts.

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