The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Financial Management

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Managing portfolios from Geneva to Yangon, UNOPS financial management services have provided trustee and fund management support worth almost $2 billion dollars, on behalf of governments and multilateral institutions since 2010. Our services include managing grants and pooled funds, and providing advice and oversight for project and programme budgets.

Building on our excellence in delivering quality, UNOPS tailors its management support services to provide efficient integrated solutions for our partners and offers specialized context-specific solutions in response to country needs.


  • 45 least developed countries

    Managing a trust fund on behalf of the Enhanced Integrated Framework, which builds trade capacity in 45 least developed countries.

  • Over 26,000 community-based projects

    Supporting more than 26,000 community-based sustainable development projects through the Small Grants Programme.

  • 3.5 billion people

    That's the number of people who still lack access to safely managed sanitation services. Managed by UNOPS, the Sanitation and Hygiene Fund seeks to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and to end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.

Our Expertise

  • We help monitor health programmes on the ground for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
  • We manage global multi-donor funds, such as the Stop TB Partnership and Roll Back Malaria Partnership, in support of the eradication of infectious diseases across the world.
  • We disburse and supervise grants in a variety of contexts, including peace and security.
  • We ensure funds are spent in a transparent and efficient manner, in line with partners' objectives.

Could bitcoin technology revolutionize aid distribution?

Blockchain, the technology behind bitcoin, could lead the fight against inefficient aid distribution.

3 min read