Declaración durante el primer período ordinario de sesiones de la…
... direction is articulated in our strategic plan outline and as ever I look ... direction, anchored in the UNOPS role to expand implementation capacity ...
... direction is articulated in our strategic plan outline and as ever I look ... direction, anchored in the UNOPS role to expand implementation capacity ...
... direction. Over the past year, I have updated the EB on how UNOPS has made it a particular priority to attract and facilitate private-sector investment for ...
... direction of the board, we are confident UNOPS can continue to grow and prosper. Thank you. You heard the President praise our UNOPS affordable housing ...
... direction set in our restated strategic plan (2022-2025): namely, that UNOPS will collaborate with partners to expand their implementation capacity -- to ...
... direction set in the QCPR will be essential. We welcome the engagement to date from honourable members, and further engagement to come. Today, I will ...
... direction at a time we need it the most. The summer that is about to end has been the hottest in history. Devastating climate impacts continue to disrupt ...
... direction where global society as a whole wants to go. As you probably understand, I'm talking about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a universal call ...
... direction of the Secretary-General, a Client Board was established, to provide an opportunity for our key partners to provide feedback, following our ...
... direction for a better future. At UNOPS - our experience has shown us the importance of this moment- to channel recovery response towards building back ...
... direction in history and its identity. This understanding of the fundamental importance of infrastructure is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals ...