The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

El Director Ejecutivo de UNOPS concluye su visita al Líbano

Declaración de Jorge Moreira da Silva, Secretario General Adjunto de las Naciones Unidas y Director Ejecutivo de UNOPS. Declaración tras su visita al Líbano, en el marco de un viaje de seis días a Oriente Medio para visitar el Líbano, Siria, Territorio Palestino Ocupado e Israel. En el marco de este viaje, visitará por segunda vez los proyectos de UNOPS en Gaza (en inglés).

After an extremely difficult year, Lebanon is now looking to a more hopeful and stable future. Along with the rest of our UN family, I welcome the formation of a new government under the leadership of Prime Minister Nawaf Salam.

The international community has a responsibility to back Lebanon in this crucial moment.

UNOPS is committed to supporting Lebanon in its efforts to build a peaceful, inclusive and sustainable future.

This is the message that I have communicated to national and development partners, as part of meetings that have helped me better understand the needs in order to support operations.

UNOPS will build on our track record of supporting development efforts over the past years.

We have helped strengthen the health system and provide reliable energy supply to several public hospitals. We have also been working with partners to restore vital public services and infrastructure following the Port of Beirut blast in 2020, including water, roads and energy, while also promoting social cohesion and addressing the needs of underserved communities.

In addition, UNOPS is supporting a government-led initiative to improve waste management and promote a circular economy. The project will reduce pollution, including hazardous pollutants from open waste burning, and protect biodiversity, addressing an issue exacerbated by recent conflict.

And we are strengthening the operational capacity of the Lebanese Armed Forces through providing them with various types of equipment and supplies, construction of buildings, rehabilitation of warehouses, and solarization of medical centers and facilities.

As we look towards the future, we are steadfast in our support to the people of Lebanon, to materialise their vision of a stable, peaceful and thriving country.

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