The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

CM country flag Cameroon

Key partners

African Development Bank

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Islamic Development Bank

Korea International Cooperation Agency

UN Refugee Agency

World Bank

UNOPS supports the government of Cameroon, UN agencies and other partners in our common efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by providing infrastructure, procurement, human resources and project management services.

Through the procurement of medical equipment and materials, UNOPS is helping strengthen the national health system, including helping the government fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Information

  • UNOPS Impact in Cameroon

    • Increased access to safe drinking water through the construction and rehabilitation of water infrastructure, capacity building and advocacy – benefiting communities in 96 villages across 4 regions.
    • Helped strengthen the national health system in Cameroon by procuring $11 million worth of medical material and equipment used to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and an additional $3.9 million worth of medical equipment to help those living with HIV and AIDS, who are among those most at risk of developing COVID-19 complications.
    • Procured vehicles, buses and motorcycles as part of a project to help boost employment and improve food and nutritional security by enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural value chains.

  • 3.5%
    Current health expenditure
    Current health expenditure (% of GDP)

    Level of current health expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP. Estimates of current health expenditures include healthcare goods and services consumed during each year. This indicator does not include capital health expenditures such as buildings, machinery, IT and stocks of vaccines for emergency or outbreaks.

    Source: (2020)

    People using at least basic drinking water services
    People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population)

    The percentage of people using at least basic water services. This indicator encompasses both people using basic water services as well as those using safely managed water services. Read more.

    Source: (2022)

  • Flag CM Contact Details

    UNOPS Cameroon

    Rue 1763

    Quartier Bastos



    Tel : +237 694 074 493


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